The Application Might be Common,
…but your essays shouldn’t be.

This is your opportunity to differentiate yourself. Don’t waste it.

  • Talk first. Write last.

    The first mistake applicants often make is beginning with writing rather than talking. If you can talk about your ideas, then you can write about them, too. The first step is to get to know you and learn about your goals. These easy, relaxed conversations often lead to the very ideas you’ll use in your essays.

  • Craft and Shape.

    After you write your first draft, I’ll review, edit and comment on your essay. We’ll discuss what could be missing or obscuring the narrative. We will make sure the essay conveys your ideas in your voice. and the final product will be your own.

  • Hit Submit.

    When application deadlines arrive, you’ll be able to submit your essays with confidence. Whether it’s just your primary essay or all essays, we’ll work together to ensure you’re comfortable and ready to hit submit.